Product. Marketing. Leader.

"I have had an advertising career,

a startup career, and

now I want to use my unique skills at an established technology-focused company”


Kind Words About David Evans

Curious, futuristic, and consumer-obsessed senior product and brand marketing leader with a bias for action and year-over-year success in finding novel solutions to complex problems, giving wings to audacious ideas, and guiding cross-functional teams to deliver transformational results.

Resourceful and quick-witted innovator who consistently uncovers fresh, unexpected ways to revolutionize products, brands, and platforms and connect consumers more deeply to brands and products.

Energizing and invested team builder, coach, and mentor who gets people excited about the mission, provides them with the tools and creative space they need to succeed, and keeps them focused and inspired throughout the journey. 

Fearless and unflappable catalyzer whose diverse background spanning product management, GTM, digital marketing, operations and, yes, even Shark Tank, provides a crucial advantage. Have consistently progressed as a leader for ability to assess challenges and opportunities holistically then bring together the right people and resources to pull off miracles—in agency, corporate, and scrappy startup environments.


Key Skills

  • Vision Setting

  • Strategic Planning & Execution

  • Product & Brand Marketing

  • Cross-Functional Leadership

  • Go-to-Market Strategy

  • Product Launch

  • Digital Marketing

  • Consumer Engagement

  • Campaign Strategy+Activation

  • Project Management

  • Leading through Ambiguity

  • Storytelling

Awards & Highlights


2022 - FWA Site of the Day - Netflix

2016 Shark Tank: Winner, Season 8 - episode 10 for Inboard Technology 

2009 SNL Spoofed Burger King’s Whopper Virgins Campaign (Original Spot)

2018 Gold & Silver Lion - Google Cloud 

2011 One Show Gold, Toyota Sienna, "Swagger Wagon" 

2010 Grand Prix & Cyber, Bronze, Best Buy "Twelpforce" 

2010 Best of the Decade, One Show, Whopper Sacrifice 

2010 One Show Silver, Best Buy Twelpforce 

2010 Clio Silver, Microsoft I’m a PC 

2010 Clio Silver, Burger King Whopper Virgins 

2010 Clio Gold, Best Buy Twelpforce 

2009 Grand Clio, Burger King Whopper Sacrifice 

2009 One Show Gold & Silver, Whopper Sacrifice 

2009 Clio Gold, burger King Whopper Sacrifice 

2009 Titanium Lion Burger King Whopper sacrifice 

2009-2015 Numerous FWA SOTD, Awwwards SOTD, etc.