Coke Zero

Rooftop Racer

Coke Zero wanted to build a car game that celebrated their long standing relationship with NASCAR. The creative team at Crispin Porter + Bogusky wanted to build a cutting edge game that looked like a Playstation 3 game, but ran on the internet (this was 2008!), a huge technical challenge. But in came myself and the team at the then tiny production company, Hook (3 people).

We developed the game to run in (then cutting edge) Adobe Flash. The game leveraged pre-rendered CG video scenes layered Flash assets that the users mouse movement controlled. 

The longer players stay in the five-lap race and out battle fellow drivers while keeping the car powered and the Coke Zero bottle balanced, they increase their score automatically and possibly unearth hidden bonus points along the way. Visitors can challenge others by sending the game across to friends.

The game graphics of Coke Zero’s Rooftop Racer are beautifully designed. Along with the voiceovers and sound effects the advergame really let’s you feel the thrill and excitement of being part of a real 400 NASCAR race.

This was the first BIG project I did during my tour of duty CP+B and it was the first time the founders of Hook and I worked closely together. It has a special place in my heart.



  • 200k+ game plays in its first 48 hours live. 

  • FWA Site of the Day


Senior Producer, Video Editor, Post Production Supervisor, Quality Assurance Testing


Google Chromecast: Big Web Quiz