Inboard Technology

The World’s BEST Electric Skateboard

Inboard Technology was a labor of love. The quickly emerging electric rideables market had a big hole in it…. None of the rideables that were on or soon coming to market had been designed for or with the professional action sports athlete in mind. So we set to work creating an electric skateboard that actually worked and rode as good or better than anything else on the market. 

I jumped ONBOARD (get it), right away helping the small founding team at Inboard develop a name, naming convention for products, initial branding identity and hired a team to help them shoot and edit their Kickstarter video. The Kickstarter was a huge success being one of the fastest fully funded Kickstarters at the time (fully funded in less than 48 hours). From there we launched into taking Inboard from a prototype to a shipped product available world wide. 

Over the course of 5+ years working on Inboard we were able to raise over $18M in funding, appeared on ABC’s Hit TV Show Shark Tank, and became the number 2 electric skateboard company in the USA. 

In 2018 Inboard developed the world’s best electric scooter and was working on bringing it to market with our Series B funding round. Unfortunately the bottom dropped out of the market when Bird arrived, tossing cheap scooters on the corner of every major city in America. Shortly after that Inboard was sold to a competitor or its technology, patents, and brand were absorbed. 

The Verge - The End of Inboard Technology


  • Over $18m raised in venture funds

  • Fastest funded Kickstarter at the time, funding goal reached in less than 48 hours

  • Winner of Season 8 Episode 10 of ABC’s hit show Shark Tank

  • Appearance on HBO’s Silicon Valley

  • Several rides with legendary pro skater Tony Hawk


Chief Marketing Officer, Product Marketing, Product Management, Recruiter, Head of Customer Support, Public Relations, Video producer & editor, Copywriter, Social Community Manager.


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