Toyota Sienna

Swagger Wagon

After the debacle that was the Toyota Prius ‘unintended acceleration’ phenomenon we needed to change the conversation and get Toyota customers excited again. That's when the stars aligned and Toyota let us take the main actors of our Sienna campaign and director Jody Hill and make a rap music video about the Sienna minivan.

Swagger Wagon garnered over 14.5 million views and the Sienna channel had over 16 million views across all the videos. YouTube used this video and micro-campaign in their own marketing presentations to other ad agencies to show the power of a YouTube Homepage Takeover (at the time the only paid media we put behind the video). And best of all, Toyota hit their Sienna sales goal of 80,000 in less than nine months!!!


  • +14.5M views on Youtube

  • ‘Swagger Wagon’ became synonymous with the Toyota Sienna (dealers STILL use the phrase in their marketing TODAY)

  • One Show Gold Pencil

  • Hundreds of press articles about the song and shares of the music video.


Executive Producer, Copywriter


Google Cloud: 2018 March Madness AI Powered Campaign


Google Maps: Smarty Pins Game