Google Maps

Smarty Pins Game

Smarty Pins was pitched as a game that would put trivia on the map. A mobile-first experience with companion desktop and tablet versions, it aimed to playfully showcase the Google Maps interface and design language from within a web browser (avoiding that dreaded barrier for entry, the app download). Knowing in advance that there would be no paid media driving traffic to the experience, we worked closely with the Maps team at Google to design and balance a game that was accurate, shareable (naturally) and above all, fun.

Upon launch, the game was an instant success with 3.2 million plays in the first few weeks and average playtimes of over five minutes. With minimal banner presence to direct players to the experience, we relied heavily on the press who thankfully jumped on the experience, publishing 416 articles including highlights from Polygon, The Verge, Tech Crunch and The Huffington Post.


  • 3.2M plays of the game

  • +5 minutes average play time

  • Articles in Polygon, The verge, Tech Crunch, and Huff Po

  • Lifelong friendship with my main client, Jo.


Director of Production, Game Designer, Writer, Account Management


Toyota Sienna: Swagger Wagon


Old Spice: