Old Spice


When I owned Hook we worked very closely with Wieden & Kennedy’s Old Spice creative team. They wanted to do hilarious and weird internet stuff, and so did we, so it was a fun-tastic match! 

The Old Spice team wanted to have the Old Spice guy Isaiah Mustafa give a gift to every human being on earth all in one week. So they created the 8 days of Old Spice Holiday Spirit Smell. One of the main gifts was a website that gave away explosions. Unfortunately during the marathon 18 hour shoot with Isaiah they ran out of time to shoot video for the site. And we only had 2 weeks to build a site…what to do….

The creative teams at W+K and Hook put our heads together and came up with the idea to have a website that was ONLY Old Spice guys hand hovering over a big red button. Anytime you clicked on the website, his hand would hit the button, causing the website to EXPLODE!. 

The site was seeded by the Old Spice twitter and Youtube channels and had no paid media directing to it. 

It was that special mix of brilliant and stupid that the internet LOVES! 

The internet blew up the website over 6.2M times in 4 days. The site was on the front-page of reddit TWICE in one week and shared over 1 million times…. Plus it was featured in several prominent online publications. 


  • Site exploded 6.2M times

  • Average user exploded the site at least 6 times 

  • Average time on site was over 4 minutes

  • Front page of reddit TWICE in one week


Director of Production, Video Editor, Writer


Google Maps: Smarty Pins Game


The A-Z of YouTube: Celebrating 10 Years