Financial Solutions Lab Accelerator

Startup Coaching

Heyo! has had the opportunity to work with the Financial Solutions Lab Accelerators annual group of cohort companies for the past three years. We partnered with each cohort company's leadership team to audit and develop a multi-sprint program to take them through a digital marketing boot-camp.

We like to think of the Heyo! team as a ‘personal trainer’ for the accelerator companies.  We tell them how many pushups and situps to do, and then help them with their form, rather than just DO the workout for them. 

We built a process similar to how we onboard any regular client, but this time we were onboarding 4-8 companies at a time, which was exciting (and a juggling act to keep everything straight).

Our Process: 

  • Heyo! Capabilities Presentation - 20 mins talking about Heyo! has done as a company and with cohorts in the past, then we talk a bit about what services they can expect to leverage from us during the work sprints. 

  • Intake Survey - a 15 question survey the cohort company leads had 1 week to fill out to give us a better understanding of where their business is at currently. Pain points, strengths, things that have worked / didn't work, partner agencies, etc. 

  • Digital EcoSystem Audit - We spent a few hours auditing all of the digital channels for each cohort so we got a better understanding of how their current audiences experience the brand, and to get a sense of how their current funnel works. We also take a look at any analytics information (google analytics, hubspot, etc). 

  • Intake Interview - After gathering all of that information we then like to take an hour to drill down deep with the cohort companies core stakeholders to understand where the problem areas are. During this time we like to share what we found when we audited their digital ecosystem so we can get their thoughts on any strengths or weaknesses we found. 

  • Sprint Planning - We build out a multi-sprint plan digital bootcamp plan to help them strengthen their digital foundation. 

  • Work Sprints - Each cohort company will have 3-4 two-week long sprints where we meet with them multiple times to do work sessions, review recommendations and share anything that we developed during that sprint. During this time we’ll work on any number of tasks with the cohort companies: 

    • Digital & Creative Strategy

    • Visual & UX Design

    • Content Marketing

    • E-commerce Strategy & Development

    • Performance Strategy & Marketing 

    • Virtual Events & Activations

    • Product Development

    • Email Strategy & Marketing

    • Demand Creation & Management

    • Funnel Optimization

    • Client & Customer ROI Education

    • Paid & Earned Media optimizations

    • Social Media & Content Production

    • Growth Hacking vs. Paid performance

    • Infographics & Design

    • Supporting Partner Efforts

    • Content Marketing

    • Customer Onboarding & Conversions

    • SEO & SEM

  • Office hours & Exit surveys - Once the Work Sprints are completed we’ll send out a survey to all of the attendees to get their feedback on the experience. Our clients at FSL send out their own survey as well, but ours is focused on learning what worked, and what could be improved on the coaching process we did with the cohorts. We also have ‘office hours’ during this time where we are available to meet with the cohort company leads to answer any questions, make adjustments, or riff on ideas together. Oftentimes, this turns into additional work and new clients for Heyo! outside of the FSL Accelerator. 


Lead Coach, Program Management, Account Management


Heyo! Consulting (Lead Coaching, Program Management) (Brand & Strategy Coaching)


Financial Health Network: Enterprise Site Refresh


Google Chromecast: Big Web Quiz