Million On Mars + Sunflower Land

Cross-Chain Crossover

One of the most exciting features of a web3 based internet is the notion of interoperability between different tools, games, and systems. Until recently, this has often been talked about breathlessly as a future state achievement and has rarely been done between products on the same blockchain, let alone across two different blockchains….Well that was until hit-games Million on Mars and Sunflower Land decided it would be fun to create the world's first web3 interoperable cross chain crossover event. 

Both game companies were fans of each other’s work and have very active player communities with noteworthy overlap between the two games. Community members actually came up with the idea of the crossover. As a new member of the Million on Mars team and sitting squarely at the intersection of Product and Marketing, it fell to me to ‘produce’ this cross chain crossover and promote it. 

We worked quickly to put together a plan to build out interoperability, test, and deploy the entire experience in under 2 weeks. We worked hand in hand with the team at Sunflower Land to determine what parts of the polygon blockchain MoM would need to understand in order to grant free access to our game for in-coming Sunflower Land players (At the time MOM was only on the WAX blockchain). The Summer Land community came up with the adorable character, Melon Dusk, a foil to the Million on Mars Character, Leon Dusk, and from there the quest chain just  wrote itself. 

Melon Dusk has crash landed his rocket in Sunflower Land and it's up to you, the player, to help him fix his rocket and get home to Mars. Once a player completes the series of quests in Sunflower Land Melon Dusk’s rocket takes off and the player is asked if they want to go to Million on Mars to help Melon Dusk spread sunflowers all over the surface of Mars. 

The start of the Crosschain Crossover event in Sunflower Land, Find Melon dusk and help him repair his rocket.

Once on Mars, players complete a series of tasks and unlock a slew of useful in-game objects, land deeds, and in-game currency. Once the quest is completed in Million on Mars, the players are then invited back to Sunflower Land where the games check the blockchains to ensure all tasks have been completed, and then they player is granted an ultra rare observatory in the Sunflower Land game. 

The crossover was a HUGE success, Million on Mars had more than 20,000 Sunflower Land users visit the game and complete their tasks. Over 10,000 Sunflower Land players stayed after the event and continue to play Million on Mars.


Product Lead, Marketing Lead, Copywriter


Sunflower Land Leadership Team

Communities Loved The Crossover

Both the Million on Mars and Sunflower Land Communities were overwhelmingly excited about the crossover event with many of them creating walkthrough and tips & tricks videos to maximize the value from this event.


  • +40,000 Sunflower Land users engaged in the event on at least Sunflower Land systems

  • +15,000 Sunflower Land users visited Million on Mars within the first 3 days of the experience being live (15,000 the first few hours!)

  • +7,500 Sunflower Land users stayed AFTER the event to continue to play Million on Mars every day

  • 90% of Million on Mars Players engaged in the event and crossed-over into Sunflower land

  • 2 Weeks to create and deploy the world's first cross-chain crossover event in web3 history. 

  • Several high profile articles were written about the crossover, including a feature in VentureBeat


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